Meet the team

Sarah Jackson


Sarah is a Director and is DTP’s lead for Rent Standard compliance services along with care and supported housing activity. Sarah is also part of the wider team delivering strategy, governance and regulatory compliance support services.

Expertise and Experience

Sarah has extensive experience across various aspects of the housing sector, including supported housing, accommodation for older people, extra care and services for vulnerable client groups. Her professional background covers work with housing associations, local authorities, healthcare providers and charitable organisations. She is an expert in Rent Standard compliance, strategic development and execution, governance and regulation (including Care Quality Commission standards). Sarah’s skills extend to the commissioning of developments and projects, cultural transformation, change management, business turnaround and staff engagement.

About Sarah

Sarah has worked in the social housing sector for more than 30 years up to executive director level. Sarah joined DTP as a consultant in 2018 and has drawn on her experience and expertise to develop DTP’s services around care & supported housing and Rent Standard compliance. Outside work, Sarah loves the outdoors, and enjoys spending time with her family, dogs and horses.  

Recent Projects

  • Habinteg – Board appraisals and board & committee effectiveness.
  • Grwp Cynefin, Bolton Community Homes, Rochdale Housing Initiative – Governance reviews.
  • Manningham Housing Association and Homes in Sedgemoor – Board effectiveness reviews.
  • Gloucester City Homes, Rockdale Housing Association, Ashley Community Homes, Agamemnon Housing Association, Trident Group – Rent Standard compliance review audits.
  • Dimensions – reviewing and scrutinising regulatory standards self-assessments.
  • Plus Dane, Trident Group, P3 Housing  – delivering training to operational staff, executive teams and Boards in relation to Rent Standard compliance.
  • Acis Group – Governance review and Board remuneration review.
  • Wrekin Group – review of care and support strategy and interim leadership in care and support.

Contact 07983 523574

Meet more members of the team...

Andy Gladwin

Andy is a Chartered Accountant and has over 15 years of experience within the social housing sector working as a finance director within a large national registered provider. 

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Mags Pearson

Mags is a Senior Consultant supporting DTP’s work on consumer regulation, risk management and assurance & regulatory compliance.

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Angela Lomax

Angela is a Director and is our lead for governance, strategic development and regulatory recovery support.

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